Sunday, July 22, 2012

swim lessons

Addelyn just finished her second year of swim lessons. Her first year of going alone. Last year, parents had to get in too. Not going to say I missed that this year, although it was about 90 degrees every morning by 9:30 when her lesson started. Somedays all I wanted to do was jump in too!
Miss Jen (on the far left) was Addelyn's teacher. She is 93 years old and has been teaching for more than fifty years. She is a no-nonsense kind of gal and expects a lot from the kids, which is awesome. My favorite rule: "No crying!" At the same time, you can tell she truly cares for each child and wants them to learn how to swim. Addelyn grew a lot this year - her timidness in the water changed so much in the few weeks with Miss Jen.

on the go weekend

Every year Mark goes on a "Man Trip" with his friends from high school and college. They are a great group of guys that would do anything for each other. This year, the trip was a little longer than the past and they went out to Colorado. Since Mark was going to be gone for such a good chunk of time (Wed-Sunday night late)- I decided to make a "traveling" weekend out of it. We went and saw some family and the days passed quickly.
We road tripped through Steamboat Rock, hit up some time in Perry, and hung out in Des Moines. It was a full, fun weekend. One of our favorite things we did was go to the Heritage Carousel and Splash Park with my sister Jill. The Carousel ride was only fifty cents and both Addelyn and Jace liked it.

Then we walked over to the Splash Park. On the way there, it was rainy and cool so we didn't even think we'd hit the Splash Park- just the carousel and playground maybe. I never brought along towels or suits. As soon as we got there, it warmed up and the sun came out. So the Splash Park sounded like a good option. I'm kind of a planner and I kind of like life in order. But kids are teaching me sooo much! I'm learning to let go of plans, let go of order, and to let go and let my kids get dirty, muddy, messy, wet, etc! It really feels good.

We started out getting wet, just a little.

 But it felt sooo good.

So much fun to run around- plus we pretty much had the place to ourselves.

Yep, fully immersed. Why not?

Having a blast! We could have seriously stayed there for hours. The kids loved it! I honestly think that running around in the water with her clothes on was fun for Addelyn too- rather than in a swimsuit.

So no towels? Well, the best option is stripping your kids down and letting them air dry on the way home! :) What a fun time we had. We'll definitely go back sometime when we are in DSM! Good idea, Aunt Jiller!
I didn't get pics of the rest of the family fun weekend. Some time on the farm with the Kramers, swimming time in DSM and Perry, the Farmer's Market in DSM and even meeting up with friends. It was a great weekend and time quickly passed by with Mark being gone. His trip ended up being great too- by Sunday night, we were all ready to be home!

Friday, July 20, 2012

summer days, drifting away

I can hardly believe how summer is flying by. It kind of makes me sad. I love summer- although our days are full- there is less of a schedule and more family fun outside. We have been to the pool lots this summer which is why I must post a family pool picture. Notice our friend Jaxon running in the back of our picture. His sweet head or body was in every family pic attempt. Gotta love it!

Sparklers on the Fourth of July. Of course.

Messy smores! Yum. These were microwaved. I wish my husband would be up for a fire pit but that is another discussion or blog post.

Sometimes you need a break from the outside heat - and staying inside and doing playdoh seems like a great option. On this day, Addelyn was the dentist. She was filling some cavities.

Mornings have even been hot- by 9 am- we have been outside, playing in the pool. One day Addelyn and I made "ice bricks." She put food coloring in water in various containers, froze the water, and we took the bricks we made out to the pool. Too bad everything melted pretty quickly on such a hot day. Jace thought it would be fun to eat the ice brick. Go figure. The kid that doesn't ever like to eat. Unless it is something not meant to be eaten!

Gotta love the sunglasses!

Summer smoothies. Yum. We eat them a lot. And this boy actually loves his smoothies- one thing I can get him to eat. So I sneak lots of good stuff in there (whatever is in the fridge- kale, swiss chard, collard greens, berries, apples, bananas, yogert....little does this boy know!) There is something satisfactory about knowing your kids are downing a load of veggies and fruit- and they love it!

Can't forget the kisses. This boy has started giving kisses now and they are big, wet, on the mouth ones. Love 'em! Sorry about all of my swimwear in every pic. Can you tell we don't wear real clothes very often? Oh summer, we love you.

splash pad

We hit the new Splash pad in Waterloo on the Fourth of July. It was one of those terribly hot days- perfect for running through some cold water! The kids loved it. Actually, we all loved it. What a great addition to Waterloo- the Amphitheather is awesome too- all down by the Youth Pavilion by the river.

Our buddy Austin came along and of course, his favorite part seemed to be climbing on the playground equipment, next to the splash pad.

Yes, even mom got wet!

Our best attempt at a picture of the kids. We will definitely have to go back! Maybe next time with a picnic lunch.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

13 months old

Can't believe how time flies! I'm behind on the blogging but want to make sure I remember some of these important milestones for my Jacer boy.
Jace at 13 months:
*Between 12-13 months he started to walk. The waddle/zombie walk. Now he runs. Watch out world!
*Still nursing- loves that. Food, not so much. He has his random moments where he'll eat but you just never know.
*Loves cars. Pushes his little cars around the house all day long.
*Balls (or anything he gets ahold of)- he throws! Watch out, it hurts.
*Knows Mama, Dada, and Sister/Addelyn- when we say one of our names he knows exactly who we are talking about.
*Gives kisses- big, open mouth ones. Also blows kisses when he feels like it!
*Doesn't say much- a lot of jabbering and sometimes things that sound like words. Mama and Dada sometimes.
*LOVE this boy's laugh. And that toothy grin. We see it often.
*Into everything! We need to baby-proof our cupboards. He is opening cupboards, pulling stuff out, playing in the toilet, up the stairs- he is everywhere. Discovers new things that Mom hasn't babyproofed daily.
*Naps- still taking two good naps a day (most of the time!)
We love our Jacer boy!

field trip time

Being it is summer time and Ilene's daughter Katie is around- it makes it possible to do some field trips with all of the daycare kiddos. Also, one of Ilene's other daughters, Lisa was home from NYC - so it was a perfect time for a field trip to visit the horses. Even a few moms got to join in, myself included!

Jacers enjoying some Lisa time. Gotta soak up those moments while this girl is home! We just love Lisa and we're excited for her- she is starting school in NYC this fall. She has been out there working and is really finding her fit in the city.

The two babes, checking things out (oh and don't forget, one of our favorite people- Katie!) My kids just love her too. She watched Addelyn when she was a little babe and also was a Caravan nanny (basically hung with Addelyn 24/7 while I was crazy busy in Florida). We love that she gets to hang out with the kids on summer days when she isn't teaching. 

The kids hearing about the saddle from the wonderful owner of the farm

Addelyn and the kids got to brush Charlie, the 30 year old horse.

Everyone got to ride Charlie- including Jacers. He did great!

Addelyn loved her ride too.

Here is the whole crew. What a great group of kiddos.

Jace loves animals. How in the world did I get two animal LOVERS?

What a great time with the horses and all of our sweet friends. Thanks to Ilene for planning such a fun little field trip!

grandpa turns 90!

Mark's Grandpa Dean turned 90 a few weeks ago and they threw him a surprise party. We made a road trip for the afternoon to celebrate him. He is a good, good man.

Here are many of the great-grandkids- at least all of the ones that were at the party! Getting this picture took some work.

There is Jacers and his look alike, Papa Dar. (Dean is Dar's Dad.)

Four generations of Hoskinson men

Jacers with his Great-Grandpa Dean

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Sturgis Falls Celebration

Being that Mark and I aren't from Cedar Falls, we didn't realize the LOVE of the Sturgis Falls Celebration that goes on each summer here until we really got connected in the community and realized how many people love this fun celebration. So in our own way, our family has grown to love it too. (Okay, Mark is still working on finding this love- but Addelyn and I (and soon enough Jace) are there!) This year, we did the kiddie parade for the first time. We really had no idea what it was all about but we showed up (along with our friends and their girlie- Avery) and the girls both wore their fun princess outfits. We hung out while Mayor Crews "judged" the outfits and then the kids walked in the parade. They weren't really sure about the whole deal at first as you can see by their faces but as the parade went on- they started waving at people and had fun. It was a short little parade route and at the end- freezie pops and a bag of goodies.

Jace= not too excited about the kiddie parade

Our sweet parade girls

After the parade, with Addelyn's friend Payton

My favorite part of the weekend- sitting in the park, relaxing in the shade- listening to music and eating good food. The problem is- my husband really doesn't enjoy sitting outside in the heat and doesn't like to eat outside when he is sweating (yes, doesn't he sound a bit difficult!?) He did it this year- and with a smile on his face (for the most part!)

Our friend Aquayla came along too.

Saturday morning we enjoyed the parade. The last few years it has been terribly hot and sunny. This year, cloudy but no rain. Even a bit of a breeze. Perfect parade weather! Addelyn and Payton got a few sweet tattoos and even some candy!

Don't forget the cool hat! They did well with the Mardi Gras theme.

On Sunday afternoon, we hit the street fair and kiddie tent. We also got smoothies and doughnuts and listened to more music in the park. We ran into our friends in the kiddie tent and everyone got a balloon animal- Addelyn got a dog with a leash. It was a fun afternoon but soo hot. It was so hot we had to go home and head straight to the pool!
What a fun weekend!