Tuesday, June 28, 2011

burp cloths and seasons of life

Today I had one of those crazy moments where you realize how quickly life passes by. I know, I sound like a grandma but it is true. I honestly don't feel like I am old enough or should be allowed to be almost thirty, a wife, and a mother of two. Today, I was cleaning out Addelyn's backpack that she takes to her babysitter's house and I found a burp cloth in there, all folded up. Addelyn has always loved her burp cloths- she used to sleep with one every day for nap and at night. We would be in TROUBLE if we went somewhere and she didn't have it. She would hold it and often put it by her face. This went on well into age two...and I realized today that I don't even know when it ended. The burp cloth has still been in the backpack but I can't remember the last time she needed it to go to sleep. Ever wake up and notice that a stage of life has passed and you missed the transition? Wow.

Note to self: as I have a three week old who needs a lot of holding and feeding and a three year old who is INTO everything and likes to harass the three week old and am feeling a little sleep deprived.....Don't wish the seasons of life away- don't wait for the next moment, when things will be better or easier. I already find myself saying- ohhh I can't wait for Jace to be three months and sleeping more at night or I can't wait for next summer when he can run around and play! I want to live in today's moment- snuggling my newborn and enjoying my three year old girl who doesn't need her burp cloth anymore.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

stuck on you

Addelyn loves stickers. Never know where you may find them!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Addelyn has had lots of quality time with her dad lately while Jace and I have stayed at home. They have run errands, gone to the pool, the library, and more.
The other night they ran to Wal-Mart to pick up a few things on my list. Mark always seems to find a few other items to throw in the cart and he shared with me that they ended up in the candy aisle. Mark started throwing stuff in the cart- Snickers, Lemon Heads, Mike & Ikes......Addelyn spoke up and said, "Dad! That is enough junk!"

(I could hardly believe it- being how much she loves sweets herself!)

Sunday, June 19, 2011

the best way to spend father's day

Happy Father's Day to a wonderful Dad and Hubby! I think Mark has enjoyed his day. What better gift to give your husband (who loves his sleep) than the gift of sleeping in til 10 a.m.? I couldn't think of a better gift right now with a two week old. (I haven't had the energy to shop for a better gift either ha ha!)

These two kiddos have an amazing dad- that is for sure. Happy Father's Day to our dads also....who have done so much for us. We love you guys!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

one week

My friend Katie snapped some pics of Jace on Monday- his one week birthday! Gotta love those newborn feet. So sweet. He is such a good little guy- lots of sleeping, eating, and diaper changes...that is about it right now! He seems to be pretty alert in the mornings and early evening but otherwise loves to sleep. I think we are finally getting out of the night and day mixup that he had at first! He hardly cries unless he is REALLY mad. Just a lot of grunting- whether he is fussy or happy or is sleeping or eating- he is a grunter.
We are loving his addition to our family. We are also so thankful for the great friends and family who have visited and who have brought meals. It has been so wonderful and we have felt very loved!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Today's quiet time for Addelyn included a makeover using my makeup. The blush is my favorite. Most of the eyeliner and other makeup ended up on her arms, pants, and chair. But who can get mad at that sweet little smile?

quotes of the week

Since coming home about a week ago from the hospital, I have found myself saying the same things over and over to Addelyn.
1. Please don't cover his face with a blanket.
2. No thank you, Jace does not want a binkie right now.
3. Lets not wake Jace up while he is sleeping.
4. Please don't wipe your nose and touch his face.
5. Yes, you can hold your little brother (that you love SOOO much!)

Friday, June 10, 2011

Welcome home Jace Joseph

Jace Joseph was born on Monday, June 6th! He weighed 8 lbs, 3.8 oz and was 21 inches long. Labor went very well, much shorter this time! I also was fortunate that my sis got to be in the delivery room with Mark and I- she was an amazing support and great person to have join us. He is healthy and amazing and I can't believe I forgot how wonderful it is to hold a newborn baby. We love him so much already. Addelyn is pretty excited too. She likes to hold him- but beware- she bores quickly and forgets she can't just push him onto the ground! We are doing great now that we are home. Just adjusting to life with two kiddos (and to not as much sleep!)