Too funny...
18 Months of Life:: Our little one is growing up! Addelyn moved from the "nursery-sleeper creeper" room today at church to the "walker talker" room. It may sound cheesy but to me it was a milestone of my little baby growing up. As I sat in church behind some very sweet little babies, for the first time in 18 months I had a twinge of thought of wanting to have another little one. Don't worry, this isn't a post to tell you news- we definitely aren't at that point right now! I want to keep enjoying this time with Addelyn before we add any siblings. :) The moment has passed! It did make me realize how much she has grown. She isn't my baby anymore.
A glimpse into her life these days:
*She is talking more each day. She understands a lot of words. She repeats almost anything you have her repeat. Some of her favorite daily words: daddy, mommy, ball, mah (more), 'me (which stands for excuse me when she burps or toots- she has now stopped saying the whole phrase), babydoll (yes, the hard headed doll that she loves to carry around and sleeps with AND babydoll can mean any child or baby in sight), bus (any yellow vehicle), Emma (a little girl at the babysitter- she says her name ALL the time), book, juice (which means anything in her cup- water, milk, or juice), doddie (doggy), bah (which is her bottle that she has before bed), acky (meaning gross- basically anything dealing with dirty diapers, dirt, bugs, etc.), bee (any bug is called a bee), bubbles (she LOVES bubbles), Elmo (she got Tickle Me Elmo for a gift- she loves to tickle him!), wan dis (I want this- she often says this and points at what she wants), and other words I'm sure I can't think of right now.
*She whines. AHH....I pray for patience. I keep saying "Addelyn, use your WORDS!" I can't forget the frustration she must feel at times to not be able to fully communicate.
*She loves sidewalk chalk, bubbles, playing on the porch with her toys (she likes the dollhouse furniture and people and also the kitchen items- usually she puts them together- her favorite right now is the corn cob in the shower), stacking blocks and knocking them down, climbing stairs and going down stairs, going down the slides at the park, riding in her stroller, pushing her baby in her stroller, looking at photo albums of herself as a baby (this is the new favorite- EVERY night lately!), riding in her little car, playing the "I'm going to scare you game" where she hides and then runs at you yelling, "RARRR..", hiding under a blanket and then trying to scare you by jumping out, and much more.
*She is into things. Oh yes it is true. If the house suddenly becomes quiet, it is a great clue. She moves her little stool in the bathroom up to the sink, turns on the water full blast and gets herself and EVERYTHING in sight all wet. I have to give her credit, she is trying to wash her hands! Hmmm what else? She likes to try to eat my deodorant. Nasty! She will turn the computer off and on (over and over, I'm sure this is great for the computer). She LOVES pens (not necessarily to write on paper. We have already gotten it out of the couch and clothes and skin. :) She likes to take every piece of clothing out of her drawers. Books off of shelves. These are just a few from the weekend! Ha isn't boring!
*She isn't a fan of diaper changes.
*She LOVES going to her babysitter's house. If she is crabby in the morning while we are getting ready, I say all of the names of the kids and she smiles and giggles.
*She has the best laugh ever. I love to hear her laugh.
Life is fun and challenging with a toddler. We love our 18 month old!