Sunday, April 13, 2008

4 months old ALREADY?!

Just chillin'......
Look at those cheeks! :)

She loves to play!

Crazy to think our little one just turned 4 months old on Friday. We are having so much fun with her. She is changing a lot, day by day. She is grabbing her pacifier- able to put it in and out of her mouth. She is squealing, smiling, blowing bubbles, LOTS of fun stuff like that. Today she ALMOST rolled over from her back to her front. She was bored with that idea quickly though and was onto the next thing. She is a little wiggle worm and doesn't like to sit still. She LOVES her Exersaucer, which are in the pics above. Her four month appointment is this week so that should be fun (despite the few shots that she will get.) We'll keep you posted. Have a great week!

P.S. We can't wait for warmer weather!!! Maybe this week, our fingers are crossed! :)

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