Addelyn & I with my Grandpa and Grandma Kramer (her great-grandparents)- of course, she wasn't looking at the camera- she was much more interested in Sadie, the dog!
This month, at our house- you'll find us having lots of fun, as Addelyn makes us smile and laugh more than you can know. She is changing by the day. She has been saying things like, "dadadada, mamamama, nononono" for awhile now but just recently has discovered the meaning of some of the words. Last weekend, she said "Mama" to me a number of times when I was leaving the room or when she wanted up. Of course, Mark was gone on his guy's trip and still doesn't believe it. It happened though. I think he was hoping for "Dada" or "Hawkeyes" for the first word. Yes, I am serious, he is working hard on teaching Addelyn the word and symbol of the Iowa Hawks. Addelyn has also been understanding the word "no" and today just before her nap, reminded us of how she understands the word. She is often trying to pull herself up and mess with the DVD player. We say no and re-direct her. Today, Mark and I were sitting on the couch and she pulled herself up and grabbed the DVD player. We both said, "No, Addelyn." She stopped, turned and looked at us, and grunted. We both couldn't keep ourselves from laughing. It was the cutest thing. What do you want to bet I won't be saying that in about a year!
I have been calling Addelyn our little mogwai. You may ask, what in the heck is that? Did you ever see the movie Gremlins? It came out in the 80s I think. There is this little cute furry creature called a mogwai on those movies. They make this purring/gurgling noise. That has been the only way to describe Addelyn's new noise. It is a deep-throated, purr or gurgle and just makes me smile. She often does it in the car on our way to Ilene's house (her babysitter) or sometimes in her highchair at night. If you need a little reminder of what a mogwai is, look at this link.
She is fast these days. Crawling and pulling herself up - everywhere! We can't leave the doors open that lead to the stairs- she can climb up all of the stairs now. She is cruising along the furniture. Will be interesting to see how long it takes her to walk!
Ahhh...fall weather has finally arrived. Stay posted for some new pics from our picture day with the Hansen family at Heartman Reserve yesterday!
If you get bored of my blogging, you must remember that this blog serves a purpose for me. It really is my journal, where I am putting down important milestones and dates of Addelyn's life. So hang in there with some of my details. :)
I like your details!! :) Luke hasn't decided what Boaz's first word should be, but it might be hawkeyes also!! Can't wait to see your Hartman pics!!
Wow, I just found your blog on "Challenges for the Heart" viewer profiles. Love the pictures and journal! I remember the movie Gremlins. In high school, we named my friend Leigh's purple car "the gremlin".
Laura Hoy
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