He is a big boy- the funniest thing is, people (random strangers) are always commenting. "That is ONE BIG BABY!" or today, a mom of a 10 month old mentioned how our babies are the same size!
His stats from his 4 month appointment:
16 lbs, 1 oz- 86th percentile
24 inches- 26th percentile
17 inches- head - 90th percentile (yeah the head makes him look bigger I think!)
Jacers naps well- but not necessarily on a schedule. I do know that he will pretty much be ready to sleep 1 1/2 - 2 hours after he wakes. He goes to bed around 8ish and gets up twice a night still. That is one thing I am ready to be done with- come on buddy, Mommy needs some sleep! But this boy loves to eat. He does a good job at going back to sleep as soon as he is done eating which is the good thing. I'm trying to remember that these late night moments of holding and nursing my baby boy will soon be over and I'll be craving holding him in my arms.
He is still not able to have dairy- if I eat something with it on accident- I'll find out at the next feeding- as I'll have a little boy in some pain. No fun. So I continue to be creative with my eating and also enjoy junior mints and Oreos, the two "chocolate" options I have. Seriously, I love my chocolate so this dairy thing has affected my sweet eating- not that this is a bad thing! I like to complain about it every few days and then I feel better.
He has a voice- he screams (happily), grunts, coos. I LOVE hearing him talk. So sweet. He does cry- mostly when he wakes up hungry, that is when you hear his "loud" voice.
We love our sweet, cuddly baby boy. So thankful to have him in our lives.
Aw Jacers, you are getting big too fast!! Love the pics of your sweet lil guy:)
Awww - great post with great pictures! I had to look, because we had a BIG boy from the start too. Zay was 17 lbs at 4 months...I can relate to hearing those comments! :) Hope more sleep is in your near future! Take care!
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