Tuesday, April 3, 2012

When Work and Family Collide by Andy Stanley

Andy Stanley writes this book to help people whose commitments within their workplace and family are bumping up against each other. He talks about how important it is to actually live out that your family is a priority, not to just say they are a priority. In this book, he gives some practical ideas on how to make changes if they are needed.
This was a short, simple read. I appreciate how easy Andy Stanley's books are for me to connect with. I felt like the book had some great challenges for my own life, but also practical ways to implement. Although I think the intention was to write this book for both men and women, I did feel like his words were geared for men. This at times, made it harder to relate. I did appreciate the scripture stories he used to drive home his points. It really gave some substance to his words and ideas. I personally made some changes in my job and home life in the past few years and can see what he talks about in this book- how it is easy to choose your job over your family (not on purpose). I saw myself often defaulting to that in the midst of busyness at work and home, especially being that my "work" was ministry in a church. This made it easier to make excuses for choosing work first- it was doing it "for the kingdom." Although I've already made some changes and set different boundaries in the past few years, this book has really given me good reminders about the way I want to live my life and continue to keep my family the priority. There are many examples of how God blesses these hard choices, although along the way decisions won't always be easy, nor will the circumstances at the time. Overall, I would say this is a great book to check out.
*I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review.

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