Sunday, October 25, 2009

TV Off Daddy!

This afternoon after Miss Addelyn woke up from her nap, she came out to the living room where Mark was doing his usual Sunday afternoon routine, which includes the couch and football. I put her in her booster seat to have a snack at the kitchen table and I sat down with her to eat her snack. We chatted and she kept asking where Daddy was. I told her he was in watching football in the living room. As soon as her snack was finished, she went in to the living room and walked straight over to the TV. "TV Off, Daddy!" she said as she tried to push the buttons on the TV.
Mark couldn't believe that I didn't put her up to it!


Tyelene Shilton said...

lol! Kadri does the same thing to us! Oh and thanks for the compliments on the apron, I actually made it for her. have a bunch of really cute homemade ones!

Jill Kramer said...

What a smart little girl...want to see you guys soon!!!