Eight months already. Craziness. The first year of Addelyn's life is flying by. Her weight at this point is 17 lbs, 13 oz. and she is 27 inches long. These days she is starting to be much more mobile. She isn't quite crawling...but is up and rocking. She rolls and scoots to get around. Below are some great pics from the month of what is happening these days at the Hoskinson household.
The favorite toy right now is Noah's Ark. Addelyn loves to take the animals out of the ark and of course, put them in her mouth.
Christina and Logan in the front, Tricia and Trey in the back
Finger food time has begun....Cheerios and peas. Once she found the Cheerios, the peas weren't touched again. Hopefully she'll be a better veggie eater than Mark. The only problem, now that we started with some finger foods, she isn't as excited to be fed from a spoon. She gets frustrated and wants to feed herself! I told Mark- it is sad to think she has already reached a stage in her life where she is seeking independence from her parents!
That is our life with an eight month old!
Could this girl look any more like her dad!?!? the pig tails are SO CUTE! I love them :)great pictures...great moments caught... where did the last 8 months go? They will be 1 before we know it :( Love watching her grow... :)
oh i just want to pinch those cheeks! look how long her hair is getting. she's so cute :) and eating her vegetables i hope.
Peas and cheerios... always my favorite combo. :) I love this little girl!
you better blog stalk ! :) I'm sort of hoping you get a new post up of that cute little girl though. Not that the 8 mo pics aren't wonderful, but i've looked through them probably 5 times now :)
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