Monday, February 20, 2012

8 months

This is Jace's MAD look!

Check out the teeth, he has five now. He got another one on the bottom during month eight!

I put this picture on to remember what Jace's eighth month was like. Addelyn continually on top of him, in his face!

This boy likes to clap! And smile!

I LOVE this little grin!

This is another face of Jace's. The pursed lips. So funny.

At eight months, this little boy is often found sitting up or rocking on all fours. He scoots backwards and often is getting stuck in places. He went forward a little bit yesterday but he still isn't officially crawling. He naps twice a day and is still getting up at night, grr! He is still a happy boy. He is still pretty laid back but does have an opinion about some things! His new thing is when he sits up at the island in his attached chair, he will play with toys and if he drops one- he will scream to make sure you know to pick it up for him.
He is not eating great at this point. He likes fruits and will do some veggies and cereal but is quite the gagger. Tonight we tried giving him a tiny piece of cooked potato and as soon as he had it in his mouth, he gagged and barfed up the rest of his meal. Oh that kid. This real food thing is going to be interesting with him!
All in all, we love our Jacer boy! Happy eight months of life, buddy!

1 comment:

Kaitlyn said...

can i PLEASE meet jace already?