Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!!!

Merry Christmas from the Hoskinson family! This lovely picture is from Mark's annual DTI ugly Christmas sweater (in this case, outfit) party this year. After a lovely Christmas day of being home with my sweet family, Mark is watching a movie and I'm catching up on some much behind blogging. A relaxing way to end our Christmas Day that was filled with celebrating at home (Jesus' birthday of course!) and laughter and presents and play time and nap time and even some drive time with hot chocolate- looking at the Christmas lights around town. I will slip under the covers tonight, my heart full from a day filled with time with my favorite people and reflection of what this day is all about, the birth of our Savior! Merry Christmas to you and your family!

17 months (and 18 & 19......)

This kid does NOT like to sit and eat. (Or eat, but especially sitting down!) So often if I can get him to eat, he is running around with it. I've given up on fighting this most days. This is why my couches often have food smudges and my cupboards have many fingerprints and you can often find crusted food chunks in various places around the house. I have decided that someday I will miss these smudges/prints/chunks of food and my little people making the messes so in the meantime, I am going to embrace this stage. And be glad I have old couches with covers at this point! So every once in awhile, I can throw the covers in the wash!

I am officially done with the monthly pics. Jace is almost 19 months old and here is my 17 month post. I'm over it. I tried. 

Addelyn helped this month by writing the 17 month sign! Notice how Elmo is by Jace's side. Yep, this kid loves "Melmo." At 17/18/19 months- Jace is our funny, happy, sweet boy. He loves chips, "Melmo," his Papas, tractors, "buttball" (football), "backetball" (basketball), his sister (most of the time!), and making people laugh.
We love you sweet Jacer boy!

dinner with jace

This boy still doesn't like to eat. Since we have started seeing Thea, an occupational therapist, he has improved SOME, meaning he has added a few new foods to his diet. It has helped to "change the goals," as she put it. So now, our goal is to get him to at least touch food, have food in front of him, and more. So here is a picture of what a meal with Jace looks like. He eats 5% of the food, the rest is on him, his clothing, and our nearby furniture. Trying to see this as progress!!!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

my little lover

This little boy could not be any sweeter. He loves to cuddle and lays his sweet little head on my shoulder a few times a day. I love it. And on some days, I can even catch him giving his sister some sweet cuddles. Usually he runs the other way from her, because a hug with her usually means he will be carried somewhere or strapped into something! I love these pictures.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

from her point of view....

Sometimes Addelyn gets ahold of the camera.....

 And leaves me a sweet surprise.

I usually delete them but these made me laugh too much.

They had to be shared.

I am still giggling. 

Sunday, December 9, 2012

fall finish

The first snow marked the fact that I am behind on my fall blogging. This post is dedicated to some of the fall happenings at our house. Especially the activities found on our Fall To Do List - which we did finish for the most part!

Pumpkin carving time! Jace thought he'd start out by sitting on the pumpkin. Don't let Addelyn's summer outfit throw you off- this picture was taken the week before Halloween. Clothes are not my battle these days!

This year she was a little more excited to pull out the gunk. Jace wasn't too interested until later on- he finally would stick his hand inside.

Addelyn helped poke holes and Dad did the grunt work (as always).

Our four year old at Halloween!

Didn't that one turn out cute?

Bobbing for apples! I'm not going to lie, I find this activity really gross. People sticking their faces into the water, then drooling and spitting all over, and then the next person goes. Awesome. But a fun fall activity, hee hee. So I got over it and we had fun with it. 

Jace was not really entertained with this activity, can you tell?

Even the roomie got in on our fun. 

Addelyn struggled to get her apple but FINALLY made it happen. She was proud!

Family picture- Halloween night with our little trick or treaters.

The first stop- our yearly stop at the Hansen's for their fun party. Lots of good friends and a good bowl of soup before we head out trick or treating. Love these sweet buddies.

This year we hit a few places- but didn't get pictures everywhere. We did catch some at the Boelmans.

And Cali and Nick's house- our last stop. The kids were on a sugar high and ran circles around their living room. 

This kid was obsessed with candy, once he figured out what the routine was. Trick or treat, get good candy, try to eat it. He was mad the whole way home because I wouldn't let him have anymore.

We got to trick or treat at Grandma Stewart's school a few days after Halloween which was fun!

Isn't this the cutest little dragon that you have ever seen?  Yeah for fun fall days!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

he may not like much....

...But he does like the frosting from a chocolate doughnut!

Friday, November 30, 2012

the "first" fieldtrip

During October, Addelyn had her first fieldtrip to Caelor's farm (the sweet little boy sitting by the window). Addelyn loved riding the bus with her buddies. I also got to go along, which was so much fun.

Addelyn and her buddy Austin. Rumor has it, they like to sit together at preschool. They got to paint pumpkins at the farm. Addelyn loves her crafts!

A sweet pic of Jess and her little man!

This is Addelyn's wonderful teacher, Mrs. Knapp. We absolutely love her- 
she is an amazing woman and teacher!

At the farm, they got to see cows, chickens, and horses. Fun times! 

Addelyn even got to feed the horse- she thought that was pretty special. What a fun first field trip! 

Thursday, November 29, 2012

some of the greats

This fall we got to spend some time with some of the great grandparents. It is pretty amazing, my kids are getting to know four of their great grandparents- my two grandmas and Mark's two grandpas. Addelyn did get to meet my Grandpa Kramer during her first year of life and Mark's Grandma Dean (Hoskinson)- for that I'm thankful. During this fall's visits- of course- I ended up not getting pics with everyone, dang it. Goal for December- take pictures when with the fam!!!

Here my Grandma Stewart (my mom's mom) is showing the kids her tape player. They were very entertained and she was a good sport while they messed with things and pushed buttons.

This is a great pic of Grandpa Dean (Dar's dad) with the kiddos. We love our very special grandparents!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

cutest play date!

Catching up on some of my fall pictures. How can you not love these play date pics? 
These girls are such sweet friends.