Friday, May 25, 2012

quotes of the week

Out of Addelyn's mouth this week:

"Dad Joseph!" (in an exasperated tone....)

"Jace, you are ree-dic-oo-lous." (ridiculous)  (Jace was doing something funny of course!)

A:  "Mom, I asked God for help and he said YES!"
Me: "What did you ask him for help with?"
A: "Can't tell ya, its a secret!"

A:  "Can I watch a movie at Papa and Nonnie's house?"
Me:  "You'll have to ask them when you get there."
A:  "Well, they will say yes. They are Papa and Nonnie!"

Addelyn came downstairs wearing a dress and heavy sweatpants underneath. I asked her why she was wearing such a unique outfit. "Oh, I want to sweat," she said.

Oh how I love these conversations with my girl!!!

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