Sunday, March 27, 2011

weekend reading

Just finished a few more books on the list. I have always loved reading- since I was a little kid. I would sit and read a book for hours and hours until I would finish it. I even did this at times during college- skipping class and other events to finish a book. Obviously, now life is a little different so I can't read for hours and hours anymore. I leave certain books in certain rooms and pick them up when I have a few minutes here and there. Yesterday, I got an extra chunk of time to read so finished up two of the books I've been working on.

The Birth House by Ami McKay- I liked this book, didn't love it. It was interesting. It is about an older woman who is a midwife and then a younger gal who follows in her footsteps, despite the changing times with available hospital care. Maybe being pregnant made it even more interesting right now. I liked the history part of it- thinking about how woman had their babies in the past and all that came with it for them.

Who is My Neighbor? by Wayne Gordan- This book takes a look at the Parable of the Good Samaritan from a lot of different standpoints. I love how real he makes the parable to relate to life today. It was an easy read with short chapters, which I love because I could pick it up and put down whenever needed.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I have read both of those and agree with your comments. Love to Read as well. Yeah Reading!!!!- Your Husband